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Monday, February 15, 2010

GPN Blog TABLE OF CONTENTS - Issue 1: February 2010


“Can you be a little bit more humane, and then can I be a little more godly.”
From the Libretto by Samuel Pisar to Symphony No. 3 by Leonard Bernstein, “KADDISH”

On January 6 2010, Irwin Cotler released a new international resolution that calls on governments and the UN to take immediate and massive diplomatic and economic action against Iran.


Should there be laws against denials of genocides? Americans and Europeans see the issue very differently.

One of the earliest pioneers of Holocaust studies, from a Christian-theological point of view, and moving to a universal concern with genocides of all people.
In Memoriam – Franklin H. Littell: A Christian Pioneer of Holocaust Studies

Some follow-up on whether an ICC conviction on genocide makes a difference in the real world of Africa—and in our larger world—today.
Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir’s Travel Days Aren’t Over

The USA takes on a new commitment to stop genocide in the world at large: Genocide Prevention Task Force directed by Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen Delivers Blueprint for U.S. Government to Prevent Genocide and Mass Atrocities
"Preventing Genocide: A Blueprint for U.S. Policymakers"
Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen

Iranian hate language and incitement against Israel has varied in frequency and intensity over time, but at its base includes brazen threats to wipe Israel off the map.
Elihu D. Richter MD, MPH and Alex Barnea

Teheran's Genocidal Incitement against Israel
This article was prepared for GENOCIDE PREVENTION NOW (GPN), and because of its immediate importance was pre-published with our permission in Middle East Quarterly [ Richter, Elihu D., and Barnea, Alex (2009). Teheran’s genocidal incitement against Israel. Middle East Quarterly, 16(2), 45-51.]

For anyone concerned about the issue of genocide, a look back at the first half of 2009 and all of 2008 is bound to produce as much frustration as it does hope. The year and a half 2008-2009 saw a number of both positive and negative developments in regards to the prevention and intervention of genocide, some of which may well have a lasting impact.


The threat [to Israel’s existence] is dramatized by parading in the streets of Teheran a Shihab-3 missile draped in the words “Wipe Israel off the map” while assembled thousands are exhorted to chants of “Death to Israel.”


Not all hope is lost. The apprehension and punishment of certain génocidaires and resolutions, reports and scholarly reminders of the world's revulsion, weariness and resolve to eradicate genocide suggest we may be headed in the right direction.

Gregory S. Gordon  

What will history say? The government of Armenia has proposed entering into an agreement with Ankara, but a large number of Armenians, especially in the U.S., are adamantly opposed. Harut Sassounian is a stalwart leader of the Armenian people who is strongly opposed. The U.S. State Department, with the historical background of repeated refusals by American governments to recognize the Armenian Genocide, is in favor.
Historic and Controversial Armenia-Turkey Protocols Signed

Harut Sassounian’s Column
Turkish Officials Admit to Playing Games With Protocols


“Forgery!” No significant documentation of the Armenian Genocide has escaped a glib claim by Turkish denialists that it is a forgery, including the British Government’s famed Blue Book.
Gomidas Institute Takes Armenian Genocide Debate to Ankara

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