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Sunday, October 24, 2010


MAD AHMAD: The Ahmadinejad Case Now includes Attributing 9/11 to the USA, Denying the Holocaust, and Experiencing the Hidden Imam with Him at the UN

Putting aside Charlie Chaplain's excellent portrayal, Hitler was hardly a joke. Nor is Ahmadinejad in our times a joke. He is telling us clearly what he intends to do, very much for real, in our world. Ahmadinejad's wild distortions of civilizations' codes of rational thinking and political leadership must be taken seriously at their face value.

Unlike Hitler, Ahmadinejad also has a "supreme leader" above him with whom to share a messianic vision, but all indications are that they share an apocalyptic vision. A political culture of destruction is upon us.

Ahmadinejad's passionate mission to destroy human lives must be stopped.

See in this Finale:

  • Ahmadinejad at the U.N. Sept 2010 Claims USA Designed 9/11

  • Obama, Ban Ki-moon Condemn Ahmadinejad's 9/11 Comments

  • Yale Students Host Ahmadinejad

  • Ahmadinejad: ‘Holocaust is a Fairy Tale'

  • Khameini and Ahmadinejad Pursue a Messianic Course, but there is a Rift Among Iran's Clerics

  • MAD AHMAD: A Psychologists' Blog