Daphne Burdman
Includes Video Examples of Fatah and Hamas Indoctrination for Genocide
Emotion-rousing "hate-speech" vilifies identified targets as the essential factor and precedes logic in successful indoctrination. The message is more readily accepted by collective, authoritarian societies where obedience is the rule and a quasi-Pavlovian response. Such societies are particularly prone to successful indoctrination, contrasting with individualist societies where diverse voices give rise to "tea-party" and other rejectionist phenomena.
All these elements, and more, are readily identified in current Palestinian indoctrination to hatred of the Jews - namely an authoritarian collective society; persistent official media messages of victimization by Jews, Israel, and prior Western "colonial" occupations, with blame of Israel for all Palestinian woes and deficits; hate-messages through virulent television programs for children from the earliest age; incitement and indoctrination incorporated into school-books and school education; summer camps with military training, and community-based events such as memorial services to suicide martyrs, naming of streets, soccer teams and public squares for these martyrs. A typical television image evolves into the boy smiling and happy as he waves his kite where he is among the clouds in paradise.
O God, you should deal with the aggressive Zionists,
O, God, dissolve their unity and disperse them and show them the wonders of your power on them,
O God...kill them...and do not leave [even] one of them
[Al-Fateh – The Hamas Web Magazine for Children:
Indoctrination to Jihad, Annihilation and Self-Destruction
Issue 140, January 15, 2009]
Many in the Western World, even in Israel, are unaware of the existence and power of successful indoctrination.
Emotion, and not logic, has long been theoretically accepted as the keystone to successful indoctrination. Emotion-rousing "hate-speech" vilifies identified targets as the essential factor and precedes logic in successful indoctrination. The message is more readily accepted by collective, authoritarian societies where obedience is the rule, and a quasi- Pavlovian response. Such societies are particularly prone to successful indoctrination, contrasting with individualist societies where diverse voices give rise to "tea-party" and other rejectionist phenomena.
A convincing model is afforded by the pre-eminently successful Adolph Hitler incitement and indoctrination regime. Hitler inherited a newly developed social democracy which replaced the Bismark authoritarian regime but to which he in common with many eminent Germans, wished to return. He mobilized his totalitarianized Germany to lethal anti-Semitism through invoking the victimization of Germans by the Armistice Treaty of Versailles (1919) with its harsh economic consequences, and, as importantly, minimizing the German ego by severely limiting its military status and annexing large portions of land, considered German, to France, Belgium, Denmark etc.. Furthermore he later claimed and successfully propagandized the victimization of the German people by world Jewish power instigating (or some would say reawakening) massive anti-Semitic hatred by invoking The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In Mein Kampf he emphasized the historical precedents of emotional arousal (by which he was inspired), describing "an army of agitators" who precipitated the French Revolution, and the "apostles of agitation" who, rather than through Lenin's writings, actualized the Bolshevist Revolution. He knew, and prescribed, how to increase suggestibility by verbal and non-verbal means, holding evening rallies with massed attendees tired and off-guard, in semi-darkness with flickering lights from numerous blazing torches. Rousing songs – often in 4:4 march time climaxed with his demagogic orations inflaming the audience to fever pitch, his voice screaming and his fist pummeling the air.
Increased suggestibility to external suggestions and commands by arousal of emotions per se, and through various non-verbal components, are vitally important to successful indoctrination and may take various forms described below. Verbal and non-verbal indoctrination methods increase the individual's level of susceptibility to and acceptance of external suggestions, and hence successful indoctrination. These together with psychological mechanisms are fully analyzed elsewhere.
Hitler emphasized the importance of early education. At age ten young boys entered the Deutsches Jungvolk, and graduated at 13 to the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth) which taught, trained, and ran after-school and summer camps where marching with flags and "patriotic" songs was allied with athletic and military training, including bayonet drill, grenade throwing, gas defense etc. The equivalent girls' movement emphasized strong athletics and preparation for motherhood. Youths learned that their first allegiance was to the Hitler Third Reich, even betraying their own parents if these were perceived as disloyal.
All these elements, and more, are readily identified in current Palestinian indoctrination to hatred of the Jews - namely an authoritarian collective society; persistent official media messages of victimization by Jews, Israel, and prior Western "colonial" occupations with blame of Israel for all Palestinian woes and deficits; hate-messages through virulent television programs for children from the earliest age; incitement and indoctrination incorporated into school-books and school education; summer camps with military training, and community-based events such as memorial services to suicide martyrs, naming of streets, soccer teams and public squares for these martyrs. Indoctrination is enhanced by using appropriate rewards or punishments contingent on the pupil's responses with reinforcement of "correct" responses. A powerful reinforcer is parental, family and societal approval or disapproval.
Educational methods of learning by rote, time-honored from tribal days, continue to this day with memorization of the entire Quran at schools and madrassahs, and discouragement of original thinking.
While Hitler the demagogue provided his own ideology with Mein Kampf virtually replacing the Holy Bible, Palestinian ideology became an entity comprising nationalist and extremist religious Islamist elements the complexities of which will be discussed later.
An impressive indoctrination clip from Palestinian Authority official TV was repeated from 2001 to 2003, and again in 2006 and 2008, celebrating the "martyrdom" of Muhammad Al-Dura, allegedly killed in his father's arms by IDF crossfire. This was later disputed, considered staged, and accusations of libel were only refuted through a series of lawsuits in the French courts. In the meanwhile the episode fired up both indoctrination of Palestinian youth to deliberate martyrdom, and world-wide anti-Semitic and anti-Israel demonstrations against the purported Israeli oppressors of the alleged Palestinian victims.
Increased suggestibility by non-verbal means is clearly evident in many early official Palestinian Authority TV videos, of which an outstanding example is the Al-Dura TV clip captured as a video by Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli NGO. The strong beat of martial music increases suggestibility, while rapid scene changes and color effects rivet the attention in this episode which evidences much effort and stage-management. An idyllic beach scene with sweet music depicts the young Al-Dura running alongside the sea calling to children..."I am waving to you , not in parting, but to say follow me..." The scene changes to thunder and lightening, and Al Aqsa Mosque is seen through a broken brick wall; the music develops a pronounced military beat, giant waves are roaring now onto the beach..... the boy now is flying a kite, red roses opening, then becoming pallid and faded. A beautiful red-haired [famous] woman singer is accompanying with the refrain: "How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs. How sweet is the fragrance of the earth its thirst quenched by the gush of blood flowing from the youthful body...[repeated]......... The boy cried: O father, till we meet, till we meet, I will go with no fear and without crying......I will go to my place in heaven. How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs. Meanwhile the scene evolves into the boy smiling and happy as he waves his kite where he is among the clouds in paradise, while the last scene shifts to a group of boys in the street throwing stones at undoubtedly though unseen, Israeli soldiers.
Many such episodes show a young boy going off to martyrdom, preparing the inevitable pre-suicide bombing video with Palestinian flag, Quran and gun, or singing encouragement to parents: "Don't Cry for Me. Mother..." Others show stone-throwers, or a boy emoting his martyrdom to be dedicated to the honor of his mother, or the honor of Allah.
Children at school learn to repetitively praise martyrdom with rewards for "politically correct" answers, or with chanting, and rhythmic hand-clapping as in "Palestine is my mother and my father, I have let the land drink my blood, And I have loved the way of the Shahada [martyrdom for Allah]. Schools or Disney-like cartoon animal-presenters show the map of Israel and the Palestinian areas as all of Palestine and emphasize this by naming the big cities and geographic landmarks of Israel as "Ours" namely Palestine. There is no mention of the Israeli presence nor of Jewish history in the region. The Palestinian Authority school textbooks repeat these themes but are perhaps more verbally cautious about killing Jews since the new versions began to appear from CE2000.
The originally nationalist Palestinian Authority TV indoctrination clips generally concentrate on martyrdom and nationalist themes. Hillel Frisch (2005) suggested that Yasser Arafat introduced martyrdom themes and Qu'ranic language in PA indoctrination as a recruitment mechanism, particularly during war periods, while a Lebanese source considered "Islamist discourse [as] also integral to the movement", with the content of Nels Johnson and Saqr Abu Fakhr cited by Ido Zelkovitz that: "Indeed, even as Western diplomats seek to bolster Fatah's Abbas as an alternative to Hamas, they underestimate the degree to which Palestinian nationalism intertwines itself with Islam", and Emanuel Sivan on "...the fused national and religious symbols......to use Islam as an instrument of mobilization". One can speculate as to what extent such underestimations will return one day to bite these Western diplomats. To further confuse the picture, as I write (March 29 2010), the Jerusalem Post headlines, "PA purges educators, mosque leaders suspected of affiliation with Hamas: Firing of Hundreds of teachers, thousands of imams intended to undermine Islamist movement's influence in West Bank". Therein a source states: "We are determined to fight against incitement and political activities in mosques and schools.........This is part of our obligations under the terms of the road map." Yet both Salam Fayad and Mahmud Abbas sent personal emissaries with their condolences to the funeral of terrorist Abdallah Daud enumerating the Shahid 's virtues as reported in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 31, 2010, and Al-Quds, March 28, 2010 (that is, within two days of the Jerusalem Post article, which also noted that "...preachers are asked to seek approval.....for their sermons....to make sure that they don't contain fiery or anti-PA rhetoric."). The double message is explicit. It underlines a continuing need for utmost caution by Israel in the interpretation of Palestinian declarations.
Backing up briefly regarding inherent ambiguities, theoretical underpinnings of Islam regarding the Western nation-states since approximately the mid-Nineteenth Century have been analyzed as a "conformism" based on Qur'anic verse (al-Anfal 8.61), "If they incline to peace, then make peace with them," thereby indicating acceptance of international law, conduct, and peace with non-Islamic countries considered peaceful, but at the same time forbidding submission to them [the peaceful countries] with the admonition: "Peaceful coexistence should be sanctioned by treaties that 'do not impinge on the essential laws of Islam.'"
By contrast, the cataclysmic ideology lauding and insisting on death for Allah by martyrdom introduced the emerging schism of Islam - the Muslim Brotherhood – (1928) by Hassan Al-Banna who invoked the "remaking of the world.....to establish hakimiyyat Allah/ "Allah's rule," thereby establishing principles of militant totalitarian Islamist religious fundamentalism. Since the 1970's this has become an increasingly powerful mass movement. The ideology abrogated earlier Meccan spiritual messages of the Quran, replacing them with later Medina period Qur'anic injunctions to fight/qital, and incorporated the teachings of "founding fathers" Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb. Qutb had returned to the old division of the world into dar-al-Islam (house of peace) and dar al-harb (house of war, which includes all non-Muslims). Its finally evolved form justifies the "use of force" indiscriminately against all unbelievers and against those Muslims who are suspected of merely nominal Islamic adherence, loosely applying the term 'jihad' (changed from its original Quranic usage of 'defensive' jihad) with a "glorification of fighting and death." Qutb's usage to include 'nominal' Muslims allows 'jihad' against more "moderate" Islamic, non-Islamist, rulers. Qutb spent several years in the USA, and came away with a profound hatred and loathing of that country and its culture.
Specific Qur'anic passages quoted by Al-Banna delineate his ideology of hakimiyyat Allah, which form the template for incitement and indoctrination themes. For example: "Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it" (al-Baqara -Sura 2.Verse 216); "If you should die or be slain in the cause of Allah, his mercy will surely be better than all the riches you amass" ('Imran 3.158); and "We shall richly reward them whether they die or conquer" (al-Nisa 4.74). "Fight against those who neither believe in Allah nor in the Last Day......until they pay for the tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued" (al-Tauba 9.29). Al-Banna editorializes with the statement, "The great reward for Muslims who fight is to kill or be killed for the sake of Allah "..thus glorifying death by martyrdom which "seems to legitimize...suicidal terrorist acts......". Qutb incorporated the message of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and the need for "liberation, as an uprising against 'the Jewish conspiracy'….[and against] U.S. policies steered by 'world Jewry'" thus specifically targeting world Jewry and the USA.. And it is in this context that the egregious genocidal theme to kill the Jews becomes rampant in indoctrination, constituting the final step of the "great leap forward" namely from promoting martyrdom, to promoting jihad against all non-believers, to specific anti-Semitic genocidal incitement and indoctrination. It is ubiquitous in the sermons of clerics at the mosques, in schoolbooks, in official TV presentations, and elsewhere.
Hamas, Fatah and PATV sources are all involved. Here are a few of the abundant available video examples:
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Sept. 22, 2009. See PMW. http://www.palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=455
Source: Al-Rissala (Hamas weekly) April 23 2007 See PMW.
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), March 5, 2010. See PMW.
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), April 20, 2007. Source PMW.
Source: Palestinian Authority TV Jan. 29, 2010. Excerpts from a Friday Sermon in the Bourin Mosque in Nablus. The preacher's name is not given.
`From Al-Fateh, the Hamas movement's web magazine for children, there are many imaginative and illustrative excerpts:
From Issue 13, September 2003-
From Issue 25, March 15 2004 –
The Editors [of IMPACT-SE] point out that Al-Fateh prepares children to become shahids and "systematically exposes [them] to graphic images of torn limbs and dead bodies – desensitizing them to violence and death...creating the next generation of suicide bombers." [To this end the magazine competently depicts clever and imaginative material]
The nationalist P.A. message since Oslo I (1993) has decried Jews/Zionist claims and rights to any portion of Israeli territory, restrained in earlier years to promoting martyrdom rather than "killing" by clever word utilization. Yasser Arafat (Jan.1, 1995) in a public address said: "We renew our oath to the martyrs...I say that all of us are made for martyrdom...on behalf of the martyrs who still live...that we stand by our oath to pursue [the battle]." From Palestinian Television.
Almost all recent statements about martyrdom and killing of Jews attribute these as the will and action of the Prophet Allah raising the question as to whether this is true "reverence" or is it a convenient form of disinformation? The Germans are said to have hidden their Final Solution from the populace using euphemisms "emigration" or "resettlement" in place of transportation by death trains to the concentration camps; "gas chambers" were promoted as solely for "disinfection", and so on, ostensibly as a cover-up in the event of losing the war. So the level of awareness of the German public remains somewhat controversial. In parallel one can question whether the format of PA indoctrination provides a tactical false front to protect against charges of genocide. Certainly due to international ignorance of these matters and to clever media campaigns the Palestinian Authority has succeeded only too well in creating a favorable impression on international onlookers.
Well before Sayyid Qutb's initiatives, Nazi Germany's extensive broadcasts to the Arab world included propaganda about the inherent evil of Jews, selective readings from the Quran, and information about the purported international Jewish conspiracy of The Protocols . The track runs through Haj Amin al- Husseini, Sayyid Qutb, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah.
Daphne Burdman, M.D. is a physician graduated from London University, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, who specialized as pathologist and psychiatrist in the USA. She was Assistant Clinical Professor of Pathology at SUNY-Stonybrooke, and has published case material and research in both pathology and psychiatry as well as regarding psychological issues of Palestinian indoctrination. She served in the US Army in Europe with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, res., now retired.
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All these elements, and more, are readily identified in current Palestinian indoctrination to hatred of the Jews - namely an authoritarian collective society; persistent official media messages of victimization by Jews, Israel, and prior Western "colonial" occupations, with blame of Israel for all Palestinian woes and deficits; hate-messages through virulent television programs for children from the earliest age; incitement and indoctrination incorporated into school-books and school education; summer camps with military training, and community-based events such as memorial services to suicide martyrs, naming of streets, soccer teams and public squares for these martyrs. A typical television image evolves into the boy smiling and happy as he waves his kite where he is among the clouds in paradise.
O, God, dissolve their unity and disperse them and show them the wonders of your power on them,
O God...kill them...and do not leave [even] one of them
[Al-Fateh – The Hamas Web Magazine for Children:
Indoctrination to Jihad, Annihilation and Self-Destruction
Issue 140, January 15, 2009]
Many in the Western World, even in Israel, are unaware of the existence and power of successful indoctrination.
Emotion, and not logic, has long been theoretically accepted as the keystone to successful indoctrination. Emotion-rousing "hate-speech" vilifies identified targets as the essential factor and precedes logic in successful indoctrination. The message is more readily accepted by collective, authoritarian societies where obedience is the rule, and a quasi- Pavlovian response. Such societies are particularly prone to successful indoctrination, contrasting with individualist societies where diverse voices give rise to "tea-party" and other rejectionist phenomena.
A convincing model is afforded by the pre-eminently successful Adolph Hitler incitement and indoctrination regime. Hitler inherited a newly developed social democracy which replaced the Bismark authoritarian regime but to which he in common with many eminent Germans, wished to return. He mobilized his totalitarianized Germany to lethal anti-Semitism through invoking the victimization of Germans by the Armistice Treaty of Versailles (1919) with its harsh economic consequences, and, as importantly, minimizing the German ego by severely limiting its military status and annexing large portions of land, considered German, to France, Belgium, Denmark etc.. Furthermore he later claimed and successfully propagandized the victimization of the German people by world Jewish power instigating (or some would say reawakening) massive anti-Semitic hatred by invoking The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In Mein Kampf he emphasized the historical precedents of emotional arousal (by which he was inspired), describing "an army of agitators" who precipitated the French Revolution, and the "apostles of agitation" who, rather than through Lenin's writings, actualized the Bolshevist Revolution. He knew, and prescribed, how to increase suggestibility by verbal and non-verbal means, holding evening rallies with massed attendees tired and off-guard, in semi-darkness with flickering lights from numerous blazing torches. Rousing songs – often in 4:4 march time climaxed with his demagogic orations inflaming the audience to fever pitch, his voice screaming and his fist pummeling the air.
Increased suggestibility to external suggestions and commands by arousal of emotions per se, and through various non-verbal components, are vitally important to successful indoctrination and may take various forms described below. Verbal and non-verbal indoctrination methods increase the individual's level of susceptibility to and acceptance of external suggestions, and hence successful indoctrination. These together with psychological mechanisms are fully analyzed elsewhere.
Hitler emphasized the importance of early education. At age ten young boys entered the Deutsches Jungvolk, and graduated at 13 to the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth) which taught, trained, and ran after-school and summer camps where marching with flags and "patriotic" songs was allied with athletic and military training, including bayonet drill, grenade throwing, gas defense etc. The equivalent girls' movement emphasized strong athletics and preparation for motherhood. Youths learned that their first allegiance was to the Hitler Third Reich, even betraying their own parents if these were perceived as disloyal.
All these elements, and more, are readily identified in current Palestinian indoctrination to hatred of the Jews - namely an authoritarian collective society; persistent official media messages of victimization by Jews, Israel, and prior Western "colonial" occupations with blame of Israel for all Palestinian woes and deficits; hate-messages through virulent television programs for children from the earliest age; incitement and indoctrination incorporated into school-books and school education; summer camps with military training, and community-based events such as memorial services to suicide martyrs, naming of streets, soccer teams and public squares for these martyrs. Indoctrination is enhanced by using appropriate rewards or punishments contingent on the pupil's responses with reinforcement of "correct" responses. A powerful reinforcer is parental, family and societal approval or disapproval.
Educational methods of learning by rote, time-honored from tribal days, continue to this day with memorization of the entire Quran at schools and madrassahs, and discouragement of original thinking.
While Hitler the demagogue provided his own ideology with Mein Kampf virtually replacing the Holy Bible, Palestinian ideology became an entity comprising nationalist and extremist religious Islamist elements the complexities of which will be discussed later.
An impressive indoctrination clip from Palestinian Authority official TV was repeated from 2001 to 2003, and again in 2006 and 2008, celebrating the "martyrdom" of Muhammad Al-Dura, allegedly killed in his father's arms by IDF crossfire. This was later disputed, considered staged, and accusations of libel were only refuted through a series of lawsuits in the French courts. In the meanwhile the episode fired up both indoctrination of Palestinian youth to deliberate martyrdom, and world-wide anti-Semitic and anti-Israel demonstrations against the purported Israeli oppressors of the alleged Palestinian victims.
Increased suggestibility by non-verbal means is clearly evident in many early official Palestinian Authority TV videos, of which an outstanding example is the Al-Dura TV clip captured as a video by Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli NGO. The strong beat of martial music increases suggestibility, while rapid scene changes and color effects rivet the attention in this episode which evidences much effort and stage-management. An idyllic beach scene with sweet music depicts the young Al-Dura running alongside the sea calling to children..."I am waving to you , not in parting, but to say follow me..." The scene changes to thunder and lightening, and Al Aqsa Mosque is seen through a broken brick wall; the music develops a pronounced military beat, giant waves are roaring now onto the beach..... the boy now is flying a kite, red roses opening, then becoming pallid and faded. A beautiful red-haired [famous] woman singer is accompanying with the refrain: "How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs. How sweet is the fragrance of the earth its thirst quenched by the gush of blood flowing from the youthful body...[repeated]......... The boy cried: O father, till we meet, till we meet, I will go with no fear and without crying......I will go to my place in heaven. How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs. Meanwhile the scene evolves into the boy smiling and happy as he waves his kite where he is among the clouds in paradise, while the last scene shifts to a group of boys in the street throwing stones at undoubtedly though unseen, Israeli soldiers.
Many such episodes show a young boy going off to martyrdom, preparing the inevitable pre-suicide bombing video with Palestinian flag, Quran and gun, or singing encouragement to parents: "Don't Cry for Me. Mother..." Others show stone-throwers, or a boy emoting his martyrdom to be dedicated to the honor of his mother, or the honor of Allah.
Children at school learn to repetitively praise martyrdom with rewards for "politically correct" answers, or with chanting, and rhythmic hand-clapping as in "Palestine is my mother and my father, I have let the land drink my blood, And I have loved the way of the Shahada [martyrdom for Allah]. Schools or Disney-like cartoon animal-presenters show the map of Israel and the Palestinian areas as all of Palestine and emphasize this by naming the big cities and geographic landmarks of Israel as "Ours" namely Palestine. There is no mention of the Israeli presence nor of Jewish history in the region. The Palestinian Authority school textbooks repeat these themes but are perhaps more verbally cautious about killing Jews since the new versions began to appear from CE2000.
The originally nationalist Palestinian Authority TV indoctrination clips generally concentrate on martyrdom and nationalist themes. Hillel Frisch (2005) suggested that Yasser Arafat introduced martyrdom themes and Qu'ranic language in PA indoctrination as a recruitment mechanism, particularly during war periods, while a Lebanese source considered "Islamist discourse [as] also integral to the movement", with the content of Nels Johnson and Saqr Abu Fakhr cited by Ido Zelkovitz that: "Indeed, even as Western diplomats seek to bolster Fatah's Abbas as an alternative to Hamas, they underestimate the degree to which Palestinian nationalism intertwines itself with Islam", and Emanuel Sivan on "...the fused national and religious symbols......to use Islam as an instrument of mobilization". One can speculate as to what extent such underestimations will return one day to bite these Western diplomats. To further confuse the picture, as I write (March 29 2010), the Jerusalem Post headlines, "PA purges educators, mosque leaders suspected of affiliation with Hamas: Firing of Hundreds of teachers, thousands of imams intended to undermine Islamist movement's influence in West Bank". Therein a source states: "We are determined to fight against incitement and political activities in mosques and schools.........This is part of our obligations under the terms of the road map." Yet both Salam Fayad and Mahmud Abbas sent personal emissaries with their condolences to the funeral of terrorist Abdallah Daud enumerating the Shahid 's virtues as reported in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 31, 2010, and Al-Quds, March 28, 2010 (that is, within two days of the Jerusalem Post article, which also noted that "...preachers are asked to seek approval.....for their sermons....to make sure that they don't contain fiery or anti-PA rhetoric."). The double message is explicit. It underlines a continuing need for utmost caution by Israel in the interpretation of Palestinian declarations.
Backing up briefly regarding inherent ambiguities, theoretical underpinnings of Islam regarding the Western nation-states since approximately the mid-Nineteenth Century have been analyzed as a "conformism" based on Qur'anic verse (al-Anfal 8.61), "If they incline to peace, then make peace with them," thereby indicating acceptance of international law, conduct, and peace with non-Islamic countries considered peaceful, but at the same time forbidding submission to them [the peaceful countries] with the admonition: "Peaceful coexistence should be sanctioned by treaties that 'do not impinge on the essential laws of Islam.'"
By contrast, the cataclysmic ideology lauding and insisting on death for Allah by martyrdom introduced the emerging schism of Islam - the Muslim Brotherhood – (1928) by Hassan Al-Banna who invoked the "remaking of the world.....to establish hakimiyyat Allah/ "Allah's rule," thereby establishing principles of militant totalitarian Islamist religious fundamentalism. Since the 1970's this has become an increasingly powerful mass movement. The ideology abrogated earlier Meccan spiritual messages of the Quran, replacing them with later Medina period Qur'anic injunctions to fight/qital, and incorporated the teachings of "founding fathers" Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb. Qutb had returned to the old division of the world into dar-al-Islam (house of peace) and dar al-harb (house of war, which includes all non-Muslims). Its finally evolved form justifies the "use of force" indiscriminately against all unbelievers and against those Muslims who are suspected of merely nominal Islamic adherence, loosely applying the term 'jihad' (changed from its original Quranic usage of 'defensive' jihad) with a "glorification of fighting and death." Qutb's usage to include 'nominal' Muslims allows 'jihad' against more "moderate" Islamic, non-Islamist, rulers. Qutb spent several years in the USA, and came away with a profound hatred and loathing of that country and its culture.
Specific Qur'anic passages quoted by Al-Banna delineate his ideology of hakimiyyat Allah, which form the template for incitement and indoctrination themes. For example: "Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it" (al-Baqara -Sura 2.Verse 216); "If you should die or be slain in the cause of Allah, his mercy will surely be better than all the riches you amass" ('Imran 3.158); and "We shall richly reward them whether they die or conquer" (al-Nisa 4.74). "Fight against those who neither believe in Allah nor in the Last Day......until they pay for the tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued" (al-Tauba 9.29). Al-Banna editorializes with the statement, "The great reward for Muslims who fight is to kill or be killed for the sake of Allah "..thus glorifying death by martyrdom which "seems to legitimize...suicidal terrorist acts......". Qutb incorporated the message of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and the need for "liberation, as an uprising against 'the Jewish conspiracy'….[and against] U.S. policies steered by 'world Jewry'" thus specifically targeting world Jewry and the USA.. And it is in this context that the egregious genocidal theme to kill the Jews becomes rampant in indoctrination, constituting the final step of the "great leap forward" namely from promoting martyrdom, to promoting jihad against all non-believers, to specific anti-Semitic genocidal incitement and indoctrination. It is ubiquitous in the sermons of clerics at the mosques, in schoolbooks, in official TV presentations, and elsewhere.
Hamas, Fatah and PATV sources are all involved. Here are a few of the abundant available video examples:
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Sept. 22, 2009. See PMW. http://www.palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=455
Nassur: There won't be any Jews or Zionists, if Allah wills. They'll be erased.
Nassur to child on phone: What do you want to do to the Jews who shot your father?
Child on phone: I want to kill them.
Saraa: We don't want to do anything to them. Just expel them from our land." [Saraa has disagreed]
Nassur: We want to slaughter (Nidbah-hom) them, so they will be expelled from our land, right?
Saraa: Yes, that's right..............." [Saraa has been over-ruled]
Nassur:"And if they don't want to go peacefully, by words or talking, we'll have to [do it by] slaughter.
Source: Al-Rissala (Hamas weekly) April 23 2007 See PMW.
…[Eventually] everyone will know that we did this [suicide attacks] only because our Lord commanded so – 'I did it not of my own accord [Quran] – and so that people will know that the extermination of Jews is good for the inhabitants of the world.
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), March 5, 2010. See PMW.
...Allah, we have entrusted you with the throats of the Jews; Allah, count them and kill them one by one, do not leave even one of them upon the land of Palestine.
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), April 20, 2007. Source PMW.
Ahmad Bahar, Acting Chairman of Parliament (Hamas):
…[Referring to America wallowing in blood in Iraq and Afghanistan ]...America is defeated and Israel is defeated, and was defeated in Lebanon and in Palestine...Make us victorious over the infidel people....Allah, take hold of the Jews and their allies, Allah, take hold of the Americans and their allies...Allah, count them and kill them to the last one and don't leave even one.
Source: Palestinian Authority TV Jan. 29, 2010. Excerpts from a Friday Sermon in the Bourin Mosque in Nablus. The preacher's name is not given.
I note that the preacher is dressed in a Western business suit, shirt and tie in contrast to the usual clerical robes. See MEMRI, The Middle East Research Institute http://www.memritv.org/clip_transcript/en/2367.htm See also: PMW - main address as above. [PMW notes that PATV is under the control of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas]..."Our mutual enmity with the Jews is a matter of faith more than an issue pertaining to occupation and land...Jews will always be Jews...Jews will not cease to be hostile to the Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad said: "Whenever two Jews find themselves alone with a Muslim, they think of killing him."......The Prophet Muhammad said: " You will fight the Jews, and you will kill them, until the trees and stones speak..."Oh Muslim...there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him..." ...This land will only be liberated through Jihad."
`From Al-Fateh, the Hamas movement's web magazine for children, there are many imaginative and illustrative excerpts:
From Issue 13, September 2003-
....We will say clearly to the treacherous Arab countries ....and to the [Palestinian] Authority..."Return from the path of supporting the Jews...because whoever helps a traitor is a traitor…[take the path] to war until victory or to death in battle. "
From Issue 25, March 15 2004 –
"...The shahid ...boarded bus No.18, his hand on the detonation switch...[thinking] He who oppresses our people and grinds the bones of the children of the rocks and whose prayer leads him to commit a massacre deserves none other than this, and in his cry "Allahu Akbar" [God is great] he pressed down with his finger...Allah, how great is shahada !
The Editors [of IMPACT-SE] point out that Al-Fateh prepares children to become shahids and "systematically exposes [them] to graphic images of torn limbs and dead bodies – desensitizing them to violence and death...creating the next generation of suicide bombers." [To this end the magazine competently depicts clever and imaginative material]
The nationalist P.A. message since Oslo I (1993) has decried Jews/Zionist claims and rights to any portion of Israeli territory, restrained in earlier years to promoting martyrdom rather than "killing" by clever word utilization. Yasser Arafat (Jan.1, 1995) in a public address said: "We renew our oath to the martyrs...I say that all of us are made for martyrdom...on behalf of the martyrs who still live...that we stand by our oath to pursue [the battle]." From Palestinian Television.
Almost all recent statements about martyrdom and killing of Jews attribute these as the will and action of the Prophet Allah raising the question as to whether this is true "reverence" or is it a convenient form of disinformation? The Germans are said to have hidden their Final Solution from the populace using euphemisms "emigration" or "resettlement" in place of transportation by death trains to the concentration camps; "gas chambers" were promoted as solely for "disinfection", and so on, ostensibly as a cover-up in the event of losing the war. So the level of awareness of the German public remains somewhat controversial. In parallel one can question whether the format of PA indoctrination provides a tactical false front to protect against charges of genocide. Certainly due to international ignorance of these matters and to clever media campaigns the Palestinian Authority has succeeded only too well in creating a favorable impression on international onlookers.
Well before Sayyid Qutb's initiatives, Nazi Germany's extensive broadcasts to the Arab world included propaganda about the inherent evil of Jews, selective readings from the Quran, and information about the purported international Jewish conspiracy of The Protocols . The track runs through Haj Amin al- Husseini, Sayyid Qutb, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah.
Daphne Burdman, M.D. is a physician graduated from London University, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, who specialized as pathologist and psychiatrist in the USA. She was Assistant Clinical Professor of Pathology at SUNY-Stonybrooke, and has published case material and research in both pathology and psychiatry as well as regarding psychological issues of Palestinian indoctrination. She served in the US Army in Europe with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, res., now retired.
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