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Wednesday, June 30, 2010



"Death itself is not fearsome... Only hatred and cruelty.  Only the human mind, that engineers such wholesale destruction.  They say that to destroy one life is to destroy an entire universe, yes? What is it then to destroy a universe? Death is nothing - but what is fearsome is to look into the eyes of a man who has no human feeling, and see yourself reflected there"
- - Lavigne, Michael (2007). Not Me. Random House Paperbacks. Original publication 2005.
Jacques Semelin's tenet is simple. Genocide has to do with identity fostered through fantasy, and the maintenance of a sense of identity via a sense of purity and security. The idea that political conflict has its basis in shared beliefs is not new. The notion that we kill en masse in order to maintain our collective unconscious fantasy is new - at least in genocide studies.
- - Baum, Steven R (2008). Review of Semelin, Jacques (2007). Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide. New York: Columbia University Press. Journal Hate Studies, 6, 137-139.

A new eruption of genocidal violence in a far-away location to peoples we in the West hardly know.
News Report with a Timeline and a GPN Editorial Blog

Bulletin: Genocidal Massacres in Kyrgyztan - Two Muslim Nationalities

GPN reports on the disastrous BP Oil Spill and raises the question whether "ecological genocide" or "ecocide" is an appropriate category
News Report with a Timeline and a GPN Editorial Blog
The British Petroleum Oil Spill…Ecocide? What Is It? What Is It Not? And So What?

Two mosques in Pakistan of minority Muslim religion are attacked
News Report with a GPN Editorial Blog
Two Mosques in Pakistan of Minority Muslim Religion are Assaulted by Gunmen and Suicide Bombers in Coordinated Attacks

An appreciation and memorial
With examples from Richard Kloian's compilation of original New York Times reports of the ongoing Armenian Genocide
Richard Kloian, Founder of Armenian Genocide Resource Center, Passes Away

A very hard hitting critique of contemporary appeasement - must reading for those who worry about our contemporary world and know how wrong disbelief in the oncoming evil of a new Hitler/Stalin/Mao can be until it is too late to stop them
Elihu Richter
What If: Obama and Biden against Hitler, or... Chamberlain and Halifax against Ahmadinejad?

A dramatically different analysis of genocide from the vantage point of population (the author's emphasis on population has been featured prominently in the Wall Street Journal)
Gunnar Heinsohn
Is International Terror Caused by the Creation of Israel?

A disturbing and important overview of Islamic power by a member of the Dutch parliament
Geert Wilders
Wilders: "America, the Last Man Standing"

An old Jewish proverb says, "A good person is subject to suffering, while the evil person gets a good deal": The current plight of a great judge
Pioneering Spanish Judge Garzon Comes Under Serious Legal Fire because He Intended to Try Franco-era Crimes

Spain goes after Chinese Persecution of Falun Gong
Spanish Court Indicts Chinese Leaders for Persecution of Falun Gong

A very moving exhibition (GPN editors were there after a Tel Aviv court overruled closing the exhibition under Chinese pressure)
Tel Aviv University Falun Gong Exhibition Closes Down Under Pressure from the Chinese Government, but a Tel Aviv Court Overrules the Closure

A survey introduction to laws in European countries against Holocaust denial
Jacqueline Lechtholz-Zey
The Laws Banning Holocaust Denial

Incitement is often (not always) a key early warning indicator
Article with Two Timelines: Rwanda Genocide Timeline and Darfur Genocide Timeline
Includes an Appendix of Excerpts from School Textbooks and Media

Elihu D Richter, with Yael Stein, Alex Barnea, and Marc Sherman
Can We Prevent Genocide by Preventing Incitement? Part 1

Iranian-born journalist Bahari was tortured, threatened, and then freed (thanks to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton)
Iranian Journalist Sentenced to 13.5 Years Imprisonment

Two personal stories from Darfuris
Oral Histories from Darfur

Vél d'Hiv - where the Jews were gathered by the French for the Nazis to be murdered
Film Awakens France's Shame in the Holocaust

Education to perpetrate genocide -- with vivid examples from the Palestinian classroom
Includes video examples of Fatah and Hamas Indoctrination for Genocide
Daphne Burdman
Genocidal Indoctrination: Palestinian Indoctrination to Genocide

A Muslim voice calling for Islamic faith without terrorism - a voice of hope for a better Islamic community living peacefully with others
Kuwaiti Sheik Criticizes Scholars and Preacher who Entice Youth to Terrorism

Major American Armenian organization stands together with the other non-Armenian victims of the Armenian genocide
Armenian National Comittee of America Joins with Pontian Greeks, all Helenes, Assyrians, Syriacs and other Victims of Genocide by the Ottoman Empire

"It's a shame they didn't finish you all off" - the contemporary Turkish version
Video of Turkish Embassy Celebration on Genocide Anniversary

Denial of a genocide also implies renewed threat - Erdogan does so openly
Shut Up about Armenians or We'll Hurt Them Again

Laughs are rare in the realm of genocide studies - a spoof that teaches us about Turkish denial
Harut Sassounian
A Great Hoax about a Turkish Ambassador

Israel fights Holocaust denial but participates in denial of the Armenian Genocide
Yair Auron
Armenian Jews and Israelis - Remembering and Denial

The tortuous legal process at work: Turkish denial versus truth
U.S. Court of Appeals Hears Oral Arguments in Massachusetts on Armenian Genocide Denial Case

A lecture given in Turkey about how denials of genocidal acts affect many countries. Did the locals get the message?
A Casebook of Denials of Doing Harm to Others and Rewards to People and Nations Who Overcome Denial
Israel Charny

A major new research resource at the forthcoming Armenian Genocide Museum in Washington, D.C.
Armenian Genocide Museum of America (AGMA) Opens Research Library

The former British Ambassador to the U.K. David Miller, speaks out the truth of the Armenian Genocide.
It will be recalled that the former U.S. ambassador to Armenia, John Evans spoke out while he was in office and promptly lost his job.
Former British Ambassador Recognizes the Armenian Genocide

Bangladesh's Hindu population is dying - a report from an area not often in Western consciousness of Islamist campaigns to get rid of Bangladesh Hindus
Richard Benkin
Bangladesh Ethnic Butchery & Genocidal Massacres

"My son the martyr!" A life-renouncing prayer that one's son will die
"Go Ahead, My Son and Become a "Great Shahid," says the Mother