Ahmadinejad Reports Aura of the "Hidden Imam" Enveloped Him in his Speech to the U.N. and Calls Upon Bush to Accept Islam
For the Ahmadinejad Collection of Promises to Destroy Israel
Iraqi Ayatollah Ahmad Al-Baghdadi Talks of America's Annihilation
Iran, Arming for Armageddon
Hitler Left Some Jews Alive so the World Could See Why He Killed the Rest
Indicted USS Cole Bomber: "We will Strike the U.S. Homeland, Embassies and Warships"
Jews Deserved the Holocaust
U.S. Born Cleric Backs Killing of American Civilians
For the Ahmadinejad Collection of Promises to Destroy Israel
Iraqi Ayatollah Ahmad Al-Baghdadi Talks of America's Annihilation
Iran, Arming for Armageddon
Hitler Left Some Jews Alive so the World Could See Why He Killed the Rest
Indicted USS Cole Bomber: "We will Strike the U.S. Homeland, Embassies and Warships"
Jews Deserved the Holocaust
U.S. Born Cleric Backs Killing of American Civilians