This issue of GPN is being published as a blog until construction of our website is completed. The website will include a much stronger search capacity, as well as other features. When it is completed, we will also publish this issue on it so that all contents of GPN are included in future searches.

Remember to click on Older Posts at bottom of each page to see the rest of the issue.

Friday, April 30, 2010

How is GPN Different from Other Websites?

How is GPN different from other websites on genocide and genocidal violence?

We bring vital information about genocide in the world together with information about genocide scholars, studies and prevention and assemble the latter in a database for easy access and long-term use.

We publish a mix of news stories, feature articles and professional publications, many of them cutting edge, original pieces.

We add depth interpretive tools to some reports including interpretive analysis and timelines - many of them original - and full resource documents such as legal briefs or government reports.

We publish GPN on three levels:
1) a detailed Table of Contents
2) click easily to the full text, without the reference notes
3) click easily to a PDF of the full text with all references and reference notes
We try to write all of our material (including professional articles) in readable and even interesting language for an intelligent reader, and we avoid academic excesses.

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